Lucky Girl Syndrome

If you are still addicted to TikTok, or even if you decided to delete TikTok only to end up wasting too much time scrolling through Instagram reels instead, then I imagine that you would have at least once stumbled across the term ‘Lucky girl syndrome.’ You may have also heard people taking about manifestation, andContinue reading “Lucky Girl Syndrome”

Can we Really Split People into Different Colours?

Can you Really Split People into Different Colours? Hello, so this is a post where I am going to be taking a deeper dive into a topic, with the focus being my take on the book “surrounded by idiots”, written by Thomas Erikson.  ‘What the hell Love?’ Judging from the title, you might be thinkingContinue reading “Can we Really Split People into Different Colours?”

Vape Culture

This post is all about vape culture, including the advantages and disadvantages of vaping, and the impact of vaping on young people. I will include how vaping has become so mainstream and popular with Gen Z, the way in which vape shops profit by reaching new audiences and I will even mention how vaping can link to toxic masculinity! Also, I have left a link to my podcast on this topic at the bottom, so please feel free to check this out!

The Sad Girl

You know what sucks. Feeling upset, hurt or really just sad. Perhaps it has finally been made clear that the guy or girl who you were interested in did not really have the same feelings for you, perhaps you were unable to afford to see your favourite band play or perhaps one of your goodContinue reading “The Sad Girl”

Travel TikTok

Who else spent all last summer working? And who else now barely has any money, and will end up going into overdraft? I remember that on my days off, I would look at travel TikTok. Which I guess makes sense, considering that we had been in a pandemic for the last, well, 1 and aContinue reading “Travel TikTok”

The Bitch is Back Again/kinda Mental Health Update (And I have Started Making Podcasts)

Hello! And here is yet another update post, oh wait, like I have posted on here at all for a long time haha. To begin with, I just want to talk about where I have been with blogging. For a start, I have started making podcasts on anchor. At the moment, it is still inContinue reading “The Bitch is Back Again/kinda Mental Health Update (And I have Started Making Podcasts)”

Monthly Update

Hello, well March has been a kind of interesting month. Well, and these last few days have, well, probably been especially interesting. And just as a word of warning, it is likely that this post is going to be a little bit of a jumble, just because there is quite a bit going on atContinue reading “Monthly Update”

Personal Update- February 2022

Hello, So I know I did commit to doing a personal update on the first day of each month, and I know that technically it is now the second of February, but I haven’t gone to sleep yet so to me, really it is still a Tuesday, or the first of February, so here weContinue reading “Personal Update- February 2022”

The Male Gaze

Think about it. You are leaving the house for the first time today. You were happily cooped up in your room, wearing, I do not know, tracksuit bottoms or something, and chances are you do not have makeup on. Yet there are probably a few rituals which you abide by before you decide to finallyContinue reading “The Male Gaze”

Internalised Homaphobia

“I am bisexual, but to be fair, I do tend to go for men rather than women. At least usually. It is because naturally I tend to get attracted to men, but it does not mean that I do not like women or that I would not find myself becoming attracted to them. At theContinue reading “Internalised Homaphobia”