New Years Message

Hi, so as you can probably tell this is going to be another of my personal posts. But it is that time again to make reflections on the past year, and as 2020 has been an interesting year- let’s see how this goes…

So I will start off by stating something that I imagine most 2020 new year posts will include. In that 2020 has been a difficult year for us all, and has prevented so many of us from doing the things we wish to have done. I think as well it has been hard for those who were already facing difficulties, and if that’s you, then I really do hope 2021 can be better💗

However there have been a few good things about this year, both personally and potentially politically, as ironic as the latter sounds! It has allowed many of us to take the time to slow down, take care of ourselves and engage in things which we wouldn’t have otherwise had time for. Also I think that having experienced a pandemic has drawn our attention to the importance of looking out for one another, and has made some realise that there needs to be a more caring, equal society. Which just might possibly end up influencing politics here and further afield… In time :/

So at the end of last year I wrote a very similar post where I wrote about my goals for this year. And I don’t actually feel like reading over it right now, but as you can probably guess I haven’t achieved all of what I had wanted to. However one which I have made good progress toward is allowing myself more food freedom. I am guessing this is going to sound pathetic to a lot of you, but seriously life is far better when we can eat without feeling unnecessarily guilty about it! Oh and while we are there, there is absolutely no shame in gaining weight over lockdown! Furthermore I’m actually pleased with how far this blog has come, and even though I don’t have lodes of followers, I am genuinely so grateful towards those who take the time to read my posts 🙂

Anyway, enough said about 2020. Looking at the covid situation at the moment, the start of 2021 will probably still be grim. However I am hopeful that come spring and summer, things will start looking up. As the vaccines definitely provide good hope. I know there will still be numerous difficulties we will endure, as a backlog from what has happened this year, it is equally important to recognise that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

In a personal way, in some ways I feel really positive about going into 2021, although I feel there will be difficulties at the same time… It will be my last year of school meaning I have my A levels to look forward to (fat sigh). Obviously if I don’t pass them, I’m basically bummed, and as pathetic as this sounds, I really want an A in politics. Which sounds silly considering my standpoint on grades, plus this time next year am I actually going to care? There are other goals I have in mind too.

On a personal level I only have 1 main goal which is to have more trust in building relationships with others. Because at the moment I often fear I’m intruding, or that people won’t like me. So yeah, that is really problematic, but the least I want to do next year is to begin working on it!

But it’s also important not to fixate on goals too much, because of course things can change. Therefore I hope 2021 can be a year where we can all grow, and enjoy ourselves as much as possible💙

Published by Personally_Political

Hello! This is a mainly a blog containing posts concerning social, political and economic issues, although the commentary is mainly based on opinion. My name is Victoria, and I am the creator and currently the only contributor to this blog, and I am 20 years old and studying PPE at Swansea. Also, I am currently looking for writers for here, content creators on Instagram and designers. However the role would be very flexible according to what you would like to do. Therefore, if you or anyone you know would be interested in getting involved, then please don't hesitate to contact me at

18 thoughts on “New Years Message

  1. It’s so important for us all to maintain a positive outlook on the year to come, despite the shortfalls of this year. And as my friends reminded me the other day, there’s still been some happy things to come out of 2020 amongst all the negative. Wishing you all the best for 2021 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    ◇ – Diamond Hard- ◇

    ◇ I Switched from Waiting for It to Happen Due to My Influence to Waiting and SEE (Soulful Emotional Energy) what What Happens Due to My Words and Influence; ergo I AM a Lot Happier NOW!!!

    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇


    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve really enjoyed your more personal posts recently. It has been nice to find out more about the person behind the content I’ve been reading the past few months. I’ve also got A levels to look forward to this year, although I’m really worried the government will cancel them (even if they are insisting they won’t). My personal goal this year is to foster at least one new deep friendship. I definitely know how hard it can be to try and trust people.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou, I think it is good to know more about the person behind the posts. Interesting that you are against the government cancelling A levels, I am sort of on the fence (although i’m not happy with one off my predicted grades). Deep friendships are the best, and I can promise that it is worth it, i’m lucky to have a few but not enough more causal ones.
      Anyway best of luck with A levels and everything!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I did worse than I would have liked in my last set of mocks, partly because I haven’t been in school since March. Although I’d like to not have the stress of taking exams, I think it would turn out worse for me overall. One think that lockdown has shown me is which friendships I currently have are the ones that might last. Having intimate ones is one of the best things in life in my opinion, but not everyone is looking for that. Good luck to you too!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I understand what you mean and I am in a similar situation with exams. Because I always do better at the end when I know everything, rather than during class work. And II am rather cheesed off that one of my predicted grades is based off what I was getting back in yr 12, and while I am doing better now the teacher won’t put it up🤔 Anyway, whatever happens I’m sure it will turn out ok for us.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’m sure it will turn out fine in the end. It sucks that your teacher won’t put your grades up, although I’m sure they will if we have CAGs again. Speaking of which, do you have any idea what is happening? I heard the exams won’t be taking place in their normal form, but have no idea what they are being replaced with. Classic move from this government.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thankyou. i think it will be off teacher assessments now, but I am hoping we have more time to keep working. Because thinking about it, the old year 13s had their education disrupted at the end of March, so there was less point in getting them to do more work, but we are at the start of Jan.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I think we’ll still have more time to get work in. Although I’m trying my best not to think about it, because so far all that has led to is stress. Hope everything is fine for you.


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